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Student Life: High school pace requires navigation time

Transitioning into high school is daunting, especially if your middle school was more like a close-knit community. It is overwhelming at first; high school can be a little fast-paced. Hallways are quite foreign, along with the classrooms.

Transitioning into high school is daunting, especially if your middle school was more like a close-knit community. It is overwhelming at first; high school can be a little fast-paced.

Hallways are quite foreign, along with the classrooms. There are all sorts of twist and turns, then random room numbers that just do not seem to make sense. This can be stressful as the school is a place we are just learning how to navigate.

Complications can arise with schedules, finding classrooms or just plain learning the rules of a school. Keep in mind that although there will be slip-ups and times where you will not exactly know where to go or what to do, there are people to assist you. We can always count on teachers for help.

High school will take some time to get used to, especially in a big building, but at some point it will not seem as big.

In addition to the hallways, there are so many new faces of teachers and students. It is a bit nerve-racking to be constantly around unfamiliar people and not being sure what kind of expectations teachers have. You do not know your peers very well and, most of all, you just want to make friends and meet new people.

High school is our own place, but being a teenager is hard; you are expected to act like an adult when people treat you as a child. It can be quite frustrating, but we are surrounded by people who are going through the exact same situation.

School curriculums are changing as we progress. High school is starting to resemble a university more and more, which just gives the feel of a mature environment.

In the end, one can look at high school as a breath of fresh air. Yes, we will always miss elementary school and everything before then, but high school is such a big place where there is so much you can do with your social life and academics.

It is a fresh start, to say the least, and it only takes some getting used to.

Macy How is a grade 10 student at Brooks Secondary School.