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Letters: No rigmarole required; Getting gouged

No rigmarole required While I fully support Sino Bright School coming to our community [“City hears input on land exclusion,” May 4], and it will be a benefit, it is not in the community’s best interest that one of our city officials, chief administr

No rigmarole required

While I fully support Sino Bright School coming to our community [“City hears input on land exclusion,” May 4], and it will be a benefit, it is not in the community’s best interest that one of our city officials, chief administrative officer Mac Fraser, would make such a statement as: “Whether this land is excluded or not is a pivotal part of this project. What the applicant wants to do can’t go forward without that exclusion.”

Surely, this is not the case. I understand the requirement that the school is close to Brooks Secondary School, but there is land on the west side of Marine Avenue that is not in the agricultural land reserve (ALR) and would only need a footbridge across the highway to connect to Brooks.

There would be no need to remove land from the ALR or to have to go through all the rigmarole required to do this.

Roger Thorn
Willow Avenue


Getting gouged

So here we go again, gas prices are depressed. A couple of days ago, the price in Powell River shot up five cents a litre.

Fuel on Vancouver Island fluctuates a penny or two every week. Why does the price in Powell River jump up four per cent? Because the gas merchants can and know they have a captive audience.

They also want to make eight to 10 cents a litre profit, which is a ripoff, but there is nothing we can do but suck it up.

Come on tourists [“Growing pains,” April 27]: pay the inflated BC Ferries price to come here and then get gouged on your visit; you won’t come the second time.

Don Pellegrin
Chilco Avenue