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Helen Chesnut's Garden Notes: Hilde worth a try for salad lovers

Helen Chesnut's Garden Notes: Hilde worth a try for salad lovers

Hilde is a cool season lettuce best grown for spring and autumn harvesting, which means early sowing for spring harvesting and a midsummer to late summer sowing for fall and early winter harvesting.
Screen time unkind for the developing mind

Screen time unkind for the developing mind

Before we deal with our children’s screen addictions, we first have to take a good honest look at our own screen dependency. 
Helen Chesnut's Garden Notes: Let the seed shopping begin

Helen Chesnut's Garden Notes: Let the seed shopping begin

Seed game: Varieties new to the garden are compared with tried and true favourites.
Healing helps us find our purpose in life

Healing helps us find our purpose in life

To heal the haunting of guilt and shame, we need to forgive ourselves, but before we can forgive ourselves, we need to first understand why we made the negative choices in the first place.
Travel: The must-do in the desert just outside Dubai

Travel: The must-do in the desert just outside Dubai

The Red Sand Desert Safari is just one of the highlights of our five-day trip to Dubai – the skyscraper-crowded city where the desert meets the Arabian Gulf.
Here's how to make a vegan flatbread pizza

Here's how to make a vegan flatbread pizza

Use a six-inch multigrain pita or naan bread and you’ll have a delicious and healthy pizza dinner in no time.
Looking for fresh family adventure vacation ideas? Squamish advisor has tips

Looking for fresh family adventure vacation ideas? Squamish advisor has tips

From thrilling activities to cultural immersion: Unlocking the best family far-flung vacations.
PHOTOS: Polar bear swim tradition continues in qathet region

PHOTOS: Polar bear swim tradition continues in qathet region

Brave participants took to the waters at Willingdon Beach on New Year's Day
Moms, do you want more alone time? You aren't alone

Moms, do you want more alone time? You aren't alone

Gender divide still evident in parenting tasks, MRU report finds.
What are the most common strength training and workout terms?

What are the most common strength training and workout terms?

Ask an Expert: Karina Inkster