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Let's Talk Trash: Delicious ideas for year-round enjoyment

Did all the buzz about berries at the Blackberry Festival Street Party in Powell River get you inspired to go out and start picking? If so, this is the time to seize the moment.
Blackberry Festival Powell River
BERRY GOODNESS: Blackberries and other fruit can provide sustenance in a variety of forms, including beverages, salads and desserts, on a year-round basis if a good supply is picked and processed during harvest time. Contributed photo

Did all the buzz about berries at the Blackberry Festival Street Party in Powell River get you inspired to go out and start picking? If so, this is the time to seize the moment.

Not only is this a delicious idea, but it is a great way to reduce your plastic karma while saving money.

In the dead of winter, who doesn’t want a sweet reminder of the warm summer days when berries and fruit were in abundance? A hot crumble, a cold smoothie or salad greens all cheer up with some local berry goodness. Or, maybe you can even try your hand at homemade juice and wine this season.

A trip to the frozen-food section for organic berries and fruit can be costly, so why not plan to harvest for free now and save time and your piggy bank for down the road.  

Wondering where to source free fruit and berries? Head out for a walk in your community and note what’s in season. Aim for spots away from heavy traffic where soot or dust may have coated bushes and trees. Proximity to water often results in extra harvests.

If you see a neighbour’s tree dripping with apples, plums and pears, offer to help pick in exchange for sharing the bounty. You’ll be doing them a favour, too, as fruit attracts bears and other wildlife we often want to keep at a safer distance than our backyards.

For a little investment, visit a u-pick and come home with mountains of antioxidants for a steal. Now is also a great time to jump in on group orders of stone fruit from the Okanagan.

You needn’t know how you’re going to use what you pick. Flash-freezing on trays, juicing, or drying on racks are great quick ways to preserve without much fuss. You can dream up even more exciting options when you have more time in the quiet of autumn or winter.

If you don’t have a freezer, you may be able to snag a used one online for cheap, or plan to share space in a friend’s and thank them with fruit.

Reduce your plastic impact while picking and preserving by reusing freezer bags. You can also reuse zipper-lock freezer bags from frozen fruit and other purchases during the year.

Many packaging companies are opting to use thick, flexible, zipper-lock packaging these days that are perfect for freezing. Ask friends to put these aside for you, and you will likely have all you need within a week or two.

Yogurt and ice cream containers are also perfect for long-term freezer storage after you have flash frozen fruit onto sheets to avoid clumping.

Enjoy the sweet life all year round.

Let’s Talk Trash is qathet Regional District’s waste-reduction education program.