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25 years ago in the Peak: Graduates celebrate at Powell River Recreation Complex

This article and the accompanying photos were published by the Peak in June 1997

Grade 12 students were told they were special during [1997] graduation ceremonies. They are special because for the first time they came from two different schools.

More than 800 students, family members, teachers, staff and school district representatives sat down for dinner and were later joined by 2,000 onlookers who filled the stands of the Powell River Recreation Complex arena.

Brooks principal Brian Bennett told them all to look out as they received their certificates and they would see members of the community sharing in their celebration. "They are your friends," he said.

This class, like all those going before, looks forward to the end of high school with anticipation tinged with anxiety. It is comprised of all types of personalities and they will travel life's course on different paths. That was indicated by the various approaches taken in the casino at dry grad festivities.

Some gamblers were cautious, betting small amounts. If they lost, they left the game. Others stayed for long periods of time, but were methodical about how they placed their bets. One student, on the last round of the night, bet everything he had, and won.

Will those approaches be applied to their lives? Only time will tell.

But throughout, they will have a shared history of a night to remember that highlighted their years of schooling.

Good luck to them all!