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Easter Messages: Children of God

Recently, the new Annie movie came out for purchase. Trust me, I know this because we have watched it daily since purchasing it. Because of Annie’s relationship with Mr.

Recently, the new Annie movie came out for purchase. Trust me, I know this because we have watched it daily since purchasing it. Because of Annie’s relationship with Mr. Stacks, she and her foster family friends attend a movie premiere and the after-party with the rich and famous. Their foster Mom soon wonders where they got all the stuff they were wearing and playing with and the truth that comes out of one of the little girls is far-fetched when considering the reality of their true status in life. It crossed my mind that there are similarities between that particular part of the movie and in the undeserved grace and status bestowed upon us by God because of our relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Bible in “Galatians 4” talks about our relationship with God, before Jesus Christ died on the cross as a sacrifice for us, as one of master and slave as we were still under the law. However, since the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as our Saviour we are now brought into a new relationship, one of Father and child. Our past status, though deserved, is no longer acknowledged and instead we are displayed as sons and daughters of God and have full access and authority as true children would.

This Easter, consider what it might mean to move from being a slave (feeling like you have to somehow earn your way into God’s good graces) to being graciously and undeservedly adopted as a fully-loved son or daughter of God.