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Good morning, Peak readers

Photo feature of the day, today in history, the weather forecast and local gas prices

Happy Friday!

It took regular contributor Paul den Ouden nearly half an hour to creep close enough to this blue heron to snap today’s featured photo, which he took earlier this month on the north harbour breakwater walkway in Westview.

To submit a picture for Photo of the Day consideration, send the full size original via email to [email protected] with the subject line “Photo of the Day.” Remember to include where and when you took the picture, what it is and your name (we want to give you credit).

On this day:
In 1944, after being under Nazi control since 1940, Paris was liberated by Allied forces.

In 1977, Canadian hockey player Tim Horton was inducted into Hockey Hall of Fame posthumously. The founder of the Tim Hortons chain died in a car accident in 1974; he was 44 years old.

In 2012, the most distant man-made object in space, NASA’s Voyager 1, left the heliosphere, which is shaped like a long wind sock as it moves with the Sun through interstellar space. Solar wind from the Sun creates a bubble that extends far past the orbits of the planets. Voyager 1 was launched in 1977.

Today’s weather:
Friday, August 25, is expected to be cloudy with a high of 24 degrees Celsius, dropping to 11 degrees in the evening. Smoke haze is also in the forecast. For the full 12-hour and seven-day qathet region weather forecast, go to our weather page.

In case you missed it…
qathet Regional District (qRD) has reopened Haywire Bay Regional Park and campground after conservation officers deemed the park safe for the public on August 24. The recreational facility had been closed after an aggressive bear attack on August 22.

On August 23, Powell River RCMP responded to a break and enter at Powell River Recreation Complex.

Low on gas?
Here are the latest prices at local stations.

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