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Santa train lights up night

Food and toys for needy collected at winter event
Mel Edgar

This year the Santa Train rolls into the Paradise Exhibition Grounds for its first year, bringing jolly ol’ Saint Nick and holiday celebrations with it.

Organized by Powell Rivers’ Forestry Heritage Society and Agricultural Association, the Santa Train will be transporting holiday-makers of all ages though a newly transformed winter wonderland filled with snowmen and lit with over 2,000 feeder lights.

“Santa will be arriving on the train,” said event organizer and forestry society president Hans Maurer. “Train travel is very practical for him.”

Santa Trains, of which there are actually two, are miniature versions of a real-world engines complete with all the bells and whistles.

With many meters of miniature train tracks on his own property, forestry society member and train aficionado Dan Parsons said he will be setting up the Santa Train to delight and amaze.

“There is something really wonderful about the sound and rhythm of being on a train,” said Parsons. “It’s a really nice thing to ride on the train at Christmas time and see the lights.”

Besides the train, the two-night event also includes a bonfire, live music and a by-donation food concession with hot chocolate and other treats. The agricultural association will also be setting up a booth inside the exhibition ground building so children can write letters to Santa.

The event is free and participants are encouraged to bring donations of non-perishable items or unwrapped toys for the Salvation Army.

Although the forestry society is installing floodlights to keep things bright, Maurer said visitors should bring flashlights and take extra care while parking and walking to the event, especially with small children.

In the meantime, preparations are being made for Santa’s visit.

“Santa will be staying at my house,” said Maurer. “I will be making sure to feed him lots of cookies and hot chocolate so he can keep his strength up.”

The Santa Train runs from 5 to 8 pm, December 11 and 12 at Paradise Exhibition Grounds.