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Student Life: A new sense of purpose

After two long months of summer leisure, we are nearing the end of our vacation, which means we must return to school.
Powell River student life

After two long months of summer leisure, we are nearing the end of our vacation, which means we must return to school. For a majority of us, there doesn’t seem to be much excitement going around, yet, perhaps we should have a different take on the new school year.

Throughout the summer, students have more than enough time to let their minds wander and even get bored; not all of us have summer jobs and after the first month, we begin to not know what to do with ourselves.

School can bring back a sense of purpose, give us something to do each day. Though the excitement usually doesn’t last very long, it is nice to look forward to seeing your friends. Throughout the summer, it isn't hard to lose touch with some of our closest peers. As school comes back into session we can be sure to be spending much more time with our friends as we'll likely have classes together, not to mention that lunch is also a great time to socialize.

As well, those in high school will have new classes, including electives, to be excited for. With each year that passes we get closer and closer to graduation, and as we approach, we begin to make more decisions about which direction we’d like to go in.

It is exciting to explore the courses that will bring us closer to our futures as it means we’ll be doing things we enjoy.

A healthy and positive mindset can be the key to starting off the new year with success. If we look forward toward the year with enthusiasm we’ll find that tasks become slightly easier and that the transition from summer vacation to another year of schooling and homework will be less harsh.

In all, we’ve got much to look forward to with each year and though school can be quite trying at times, we should appreciate the time we have to absorb as much information as possible while we can.

Macy How is a grade 11 student at Brooks Secondary School.