Organization is key in high school. The way our system works and the way teachers hand out assignments requires us to maintain a clean and categorized workspace.
With how fast-paced our lives run in high school, we can’t afford to be losing our completed assignments.
Organization is something we can learn. Being able to stay organized is a skill we can to apply to almost any part of our lives.
However, not all of us find it easy to maintain an orderly locker, backpack or even binder.
We do not have to go so far as to colour code all of our worksheets or do anything fancy.
For those who have difficulty maintaining a tidy workspace or keeping track of papers, just using dividers and small folders that can be stored in a binder, as well as a notebook with sections for each subject, will come in handy.
Taking a day out of the week, or even every two weeks, to put everything back in order after being given new assignments and due dates make for an easy time completing homework and studying.
With all of the work that is thrown at us, we need to be on our toes and prepared.
Things can get out of hand when we find ourselves in a sea of cluttered schoolwork.
By staying organized we can accomplish so much. Just merely being able to find our homework and worksheets can improve our grades. We save time when we don’t have to sift through loose papers looking for lost homework.
Using these skills, we will have a more efficient way of completing assignments.
Our academic life takes responsibility and maturity to get things done; it is our preparation for our adult lives.
Learning and improving these essential skills will make for helpful tools we will use for the rest of our lives.
Macy How is a grade 10 student at Brooks Secondary School.