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Youth group in qathet launches substance use safety course

“We focus a lot on consent, peer pressure, recognizing risks associated with substance use, and empowering youth to reduce those risks.”  ~ Brayden Brown, yCAT co-chair
qathet Youth Community Action Team will host an open house at qathet Art Centre (above Powell River Public Library) on April 17.

A project aiming to educate and equip local youth with tools to have safer experiences while making decisions around substance use at social gatherings, or in day-to-day life, is being launched by the qathet Youth Community Action Team (yCAT). The group is starting to offer the peer-led, youth-oriented substance use safety course free of charge to community groups and schools, and is hosting an open house on April 17 for the public to learn more. 

“We called the course Party Safe, Party Again (Party Again) because it really drills home that information can save lives," stated Brayden Brown, yCAT co-chair and party safe facilitator, in a media release. "We know that youth are exposed to substances, and we want them to make the safest possible choices so that they can keep themselves and their friends safe.

“The intention with this program is to provide youth with evidence-based information so they can make informed decisions for themselves. The curriculum was developed using reputable sources like Health Canada and Vancouver Coastal Health’s Bold Learning for Understanding Sexual Health (BLUSH) program, and the BC Centre for Disease Control, and the BC Centre for Substance Use. We focus a lot on consent, peer pressure, recognizing risks associated with substance use, and empowering youth to reduce those risks.” 

yCAT is the youth branch of the qathet Community Action Team (qCAT), a coalition of dozens of local community organizations and groups, including representation from qathet’s three local governments, that work together to address the toxic drug crisis at a local level. yCAT is an open community group for youth aged 15 to 29 that aims to amplify youth voices and address social issues through harm reduction education and collaborative action. Both groups are supported by Lift Community Services.  

yCAT has received funding to pilot the Party Again project for one year and is eager to start delivering the program in community, according to the release. The group is holding an open house from 5 to 7:30 pm on April 17 at the qathet Art Centre (#215 - 6975 Alberni Street, above Powell River Public Library) to provide more information about the program and how interested organizations can get involved.

“As youth who have grown up in this community, we know some of the unique challenges qathet-region-based youth face, and we’re excited to be able to deliver this educational program in that context,” stated Brown . “We strongly urge anyone who works with youth to get in touch to learn more and get involved.” 

Enquiries about the Party Safe program can be directed to [email protected]

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