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Flyin Bob brings circus to town

Talented artist amazes audiences

Performer Flyin’ Bob is bringing his One Man, Three Ring Circus! to Max Cameron Theatre the week before Mother’s Day.

Jacquie Dawson, theatre manager, described the show as “a fine example of silliness and showmanship.”

 “The Flyin’ Bob show is for all family members” she said. “It will put a smile on your face throughout. It is a simply amazing show, well-executed by a very talented artist.” The circus is further described on Flyin’ Bob’s website as “A celebration of risk-taking, audience participation, success, failure, useless skills, play, run-on sentences and Never. Giving. Up.”

Flyin’ Bob incorporates juggling, clowning, unicycling, acrobatics, wire walking, comedy and character into his shows. As a special treat to celebrate Mother’s Day the following week, mothers and grandmothers are admitted into the show for a reduced price of $12. Adult tickets are $18, seniors are $14 and children five and under are $2.

Flyin’ Bob will perform at 2 pm on May 5 at the Max Cameron Theatre. Tickets are available at Powell River Academy of Music, Breakwater Books and Coffee and at the door before the show.