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Idol competition heats up

Event brings youth closer
Chris Bolster

Contestants in Powell River’s annual youth singing contest are honing their performances in preparation for Sunday’s competition.

This year they are battling for over $2,200 in cash and prizes as well as the title of Powell River Idol, said event organizer Renelle Wikene. “It’s a good opportunity for our youth.”

Wikene has been working with the nine youngsters for the past few months leading up to the competition, which takes place at 7 pm on Sunday, February 22, at Evergreen Theatre in Powell River Recreation Complex. Doors open at 6:30 pm.

“It’s the 12th time we’ve done this and it is going along strong,” said Wikene.

This past fall a non-profit society, Powell River Idol Association, was formed to make it easier to run and collect donations for the charitable event, Wikene said.

Some of the contestants have been in this for four years in a row because they love to do it. “Some of them don’t even care that they didn’t win,” she said.

She has heard many participants comment on how close the group becomes during the run up and even after the show. “Afterwards they go back into their regular worlds and lives, and these are kids who would not talk to each other in the hallways at school, now they are. It’s connections that they keep.”

Wikene said the best part for her is watching the teens work together and develop.

“There are some kids who come and they do not know how to sing,” Wikene said. “But the other ones help them figure it out and they help them feel good about trying. And they make it okay to experiment and learn. We’re not born knowing and they make it okay.”

Zane Sampson, Karen Skadsheim and Sam Sansalone will be judging the competition this year. Jasper Sassaman, winner of last year’s contest, will return for an encore performance.

Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 for children at Rockit Music, Taws Cycle and Sports and Breakwater Books and Coffee. Family passes are available for $45.