Even with the deadline pressure of a short turnaround time, Powell River Regional District endorsed a request for support from the Knuckleheads Recreation Area organization.
At its Thursday, March 19, Committee of the Whole meeting, the committee voted unanimously to ratify its decision to direct staff to write a letter of support for the Knuckleheads Winter Recreation Association regarding its intent to apply for grant funding from Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC). If awarded, the grant would help finance the construction of a new cabin within the Knuckleheads Recreation Area. The association made its request to the regional district on March 4 for a package that was due to be received by MEC on March 10.
In the letter that he drafted prior to the committee’s endorsement, Al Radke, the regional district’s chief administrative officer, suggested the association accept the letter as strong support for the organization’s intent to apply for grant funding in order to build a new ski cabin within the Knuckleheads Recreation Area on the flanks of The Sentinel.
“The Powell River Regional District (PRRD) is aware of the Knuckleheads Winter Recreation Association’s (KWRA) ongoing dedication to providing accessible recreational opportunities for this region for the last 20 years,” Radke stated in the letter. “Through volunteer efforts, your members have maintained many kilometres of roads, trails and two existing backcountry cabins. Adding a third cabin will only complement the great work that has already been accomplished by vastly increasing the range of area that can be used for overnight winter activities.
“The PRRD supports and appreciates all the work KWRA has undertaken and wishes you the best of luck in securing grant funds to help continue this very positive contribution to our region’s recreational opportunities.”
Radke stated the organization was delighted to have the board’s support for its cabin building initiative.