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Brooks Secondary School building upgrades in the works

Ongoing improvements for high school and qathet School District board office
BROOKS UPGRADES: At a May 15 qathet School District board meeting Brooks Secondary School building upgrades were discussed.

Brooks Secondary School ventilation upgrades and other building improvements were discussed at the monthly qathet School District (qSD) board meeting on Wednesday, May 15.

qSD director of operations Jared Formosa provided board members with details regarding school building upgrades. HVAC upgrades and cleaning for Brooks Secondary School were discussed, and of the $120,000 allocation, $35,000 is being used for duct cleaning.

Formosa said the remaining funds are designated for various upgrades, including the addition of cooling capacity in specific areas.

The school board office located on 4351 Ontario Avenue, will also see some building improvements including mechanical upgrades that will precede a window and envelope upgrade indicated Formosa.

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