Council briefs
On-demand meetings
Staff is recommending to City of Powell River council that it continue its relationship with Laston Lastoff Productions Ltd. to bring council meetings to interested viewers.
After looking at various other vendors, staff recommended the city stay with Laston Lastoff, which has been live-streaming meetings at no cost to the city since 2013.
The city is looking for a vendor that is able to index videos and provide archived footage and is planning to set aside $18,000 to make sections of meetings easier to watch online.
Council will make its decision at a future meeting.
Reserve funds
City of Powell River finance committee is recommending to council that it restructure its system for reserve accounts. The current system includes many specific reserve accounts, but the revised system would combine them to allow for easier allocation and access for capital projects.
Regional board briefs
Record resolutions
Directors of Powell River Regional District may have broken records at their Thursday, October 22, board meeting. In total, directors passed 27 resolutions at the evening meeting on topics including permissive tax exemptions for Myrtle Point Golf Club, directing regional district staff to talk to Texada Island residents about the number of recycling depots on the island, and agreeing to the planning committee’s recommendation to give BC Hydro permission to relocate and install structures for its electrical distribution system on the mainland and Texada Island.
Lasqueti 911 and house numbering
Regional district board agreed to not rescind first through third readings of Bylaws 317.1 and 350.1 in regards to emergency service and house numbering on Lasqueti Island. Three readings of the bylaws were given in December 2014, but the legislation has not been adopted. With the board’s decision, those pieces of legislation that create the legal structure for 911 service on Lasqueti become dormant. The board is waiting for recommendations from an island advisory committee on how it would like to move forward.
Trails plan
Regional district board will contract BHA Brent Harley Associates Inc. to complete a regional trails plan for the regional district. Director Russell Brewer and director Patrick Brabazon were appointed to sit on a stakeholder working group.
Log storage
Directors voted to support Western Forest Products Inc.’s application for a Crown Licence to create an industrial log handling and storage purposes over three sites located on the west side of the northern arm of Powell Lake.