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Council Briefs: March 12, 2014

Cycle network receives funding A plan to connect communities with bicycle paths has been given a boost.

Cycle network receives funding

A plan to connect communities with bicycle paths has been given a boost. At the Thursday, March 6, City of Powell River council meeting, council requested the completion of the cycling network plan utilizing gas tax funds held in the Community Works Fund to a maximum of $25,000.

The cycling plan aims to create a system of bicycle routes, paths and trails running between the four neighbourhoods of Westview, Townsite, Cranberry and Wildwood. Inclusive in the trail network will be parks, green space areas of the city, schools, Vancouver Island University, Powell River Recreation Complex, shopping areas and Powell River General Hospital.

Development of the trail network is subject to the availability of local funds and to assistance from federal and provincial governments and community partnerships.

Foster families

Angela Skilbeck, a resource social worker with the Ministry of Children and Family Development, presented to council regarding foster parent recruitment efforts. The ministry would like to encourage more families in Powell River to consider taking part in the foster program to ensure local family needs are met.

Community forest

A letter from Janet May announced the 2014 annual general meeting of Powell River Community Forest Ltd. and served to invite a city representative to the meeting to act on behalf of the shareholder. The board requested, and council agreed, that William Bird, Mark Hassett and May be appointed for another three-year term. The AGM will be held at 3 pm, Tuesday, March 18, at Tourism Powell River board room.

Library re-location

In a report dated March 6, Mac Fraser, chief administrative officer, advised council to provide $26,750 from the General Reserve Fund to Powell River Public Library Board. The money will be used for preparation of a preliminary design and graphics for the re-location to the upper level of the recreation complex. The design will be used as part of an upcoming public consultation process. Councillors all agreed.

Location sign

A request from The Rotary Club of Powell River to supply and install a wooden directional sign at the Wharf at Westview, at no cost to the city, has been approved by council. The sign will point out the direction and distance to major cities around the world and will provide a photo opportunity with the Strait of Georgia as the backdrop.

Zoning bylaw variance

A permit to vary a zoning bylaw that applies to compact residential zone rear setback requirements was issued to allow a garage to be attached to a new dwelling on Hemlock Street. In order to develop the yard the builder was required to construct a retaining wall along the east property line at the rear of the lot. The wall is intended to reinforce a steep grade and to ensure that the city’s infrastructure located at the top of the grade is not compromised due to potential sloughing or excavation work during continued construction process. The variance adjusted the current rear setback of 7.5 metres to 5.6 metres for the property.

Recreation review

Council agreed to provide $26,500 to Powell River Regional District for completion of a municipal recreation service review. Completion of the review will allow the city to consider which recreation services it should be providing in addition to, or instead of existing services. It is also hoped that the completed report will assist in delivery of cost-effective programming and result in a higher level of customer satisfaction.

Choral grant

A request was presented to council by a delegation from International Choral Kathaumixw for provision of $2,000 for partial sponsorship of the 2014 Kathaumixw totem pole project. The totem pole will be made locally and will be the grand prize going to the winning choir at the 2014 competition. The prize will be displayed at the event before being delivered to the home community of the winners. The totem pole has an estimated value of $20,000. Event organizers are soliciting 10 sponsors to donate $2,000 each to fund the entire project.