Replacement of signage for some roads in the regional district could be a costly proposition, according to one regional director.
Stan Gisborne, Powell River Regional District Electoral Area B director, said he strongly urged all directors to oppose a motion regarding replacement of a road sign at Old Mine Road in Electoral Area A. He made the suggestion at the regional district’s board meeting, held on Lasqueti Island, Thursday, August 27.
“It is setting a policy that we are going to end up replacing as needed all Section 42 road signs because that is the second part of the motion,” Gisborne said. “We funded this sign two or three years ago on a one-shot basis. Local taxpayers shouldn’t be paying for these signs.”
Section 42 of BC Transportation Act designates what roads are considered highways and are a provincial responsibility.
Regional directors were considering a recommendation from the rural services committee’s Thursday, August 20, meeting, that the board concur with the recommendation to authorize the replacement of the Old Mine Road street sign at a cost not to exceed $150 plus GST, and that funds be added to the regional district’s house numbering service in 2016 to accommodate future requests of this nature.
Patrick Brabazon, regional board chair and Electoral Area A director, said during the discussion at the rural services committee, it was learned that the ministry of transportation and infrastructure (MOTI) does not see signing Old Mine Road as responsibility or a road they maintain.
“We decided it was our responsibility and therefore we should do it,” he said.
Gisborne said that Old Mine Road has the same status as McLeod Road in Area B and that street sign is maintained by MOTI. These signs are not the regional district’s responsibility, he said.
Colin Palmer said, on reflection, he could support the first half of the recommendation. He said putting money into the house numbering service to accommodate future requests of this nature he couldn’t accept.
“It’s up to future boards to decide each one on its merits,” Palmer said. “Starting to put money in there, I would agree with Director Gisborne that it is setting a policy and a process. We shouldn’t be doing that.”
Palmer moved an amendment to delete the second half of the recommendation regarding budgeting of future funds for sign replacement.
The board unanimously carried the amendment to delete the second half on the recommendation. On the amended motion, to replace the Old Mine Road sign, Gisborne was opposed.