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Drug, alcohol safety advice for Halloween partiers

Fraser Health wants people to be safe this Halloween, offering advice on opioid and cannabis use
Don't use alone, Fraser Health warns, have a safe drive home and make sure your cell phone is charged in case of emergency. If using cannabis, know how much THC there is in the product, and use responsibly.

Fraser Health is sending out a Halloween public service announcement to keep people safe.

But this year it isn’t about how to avoid burns from fire crackers or to stay away from too many sweets.

Instead, the health advice is how to avoid an overdose on opioids and to consume cannabis responsibly.

According to a press release sent out Friday, people can reduce the risk of health hazards that can spoil Halloween by taking a cautious approach to drug-taking.

“As people prepare for Halloween festivities in the coming days, we encourage people to take precautions to ensure they stay safe while they celebrate,” said Fraser Health medical health officer Dr. Aamir Bharmal.

“While there are many potential risks, this year we’re especially concerned about the risks of an overdose and impaired driving if a person chooses to consume substances. We want to encourage everyone to think ahead to avoid dangerous situations.”

According to Fraser Health, here are a few tips to consider if using alcohol and or other drugs:

• Know your tolerance: Use less than before if you are also taking certain prescription medications and/or are using after a period of time of non-use.

• Don’t mix drugs: Do not mix drugs and alcohol. Mixing drugs increases your risk of overdose.

• Know the quality of the drugs: The street quality of substances is unpredictable, so do testers, go slow, and try to use a consistent and reliable dealer.

• Don’t use alone: Tell someone before you use, leave the door unlocked, and have someone come check on you.

• Carry naloxone: Naloxone is a medication that can reverse an overdose and is available free to people who use drugs and those likely to witness or respond to an overdose through the BC Take Home Naloxone Program. You can find a location that distributes Take Home Naloxone here.

“Many people are dying from drug overdose because of the contamination of fentanyl in the illegal drug supply, and because they are using alone,” said Bharmal. “While not using drugs is the safest approach, other ways to stay safe include not using drugs alone, not mixing drugs with alcohol, and getting your drugs checked for contaminants like fentanyl.”

Having a good time on Halloween also means ensuring you have a strategy to end the evening safely. A few additional tips to ensure you stay safe include:

•  If you choose to consume substances during Halloween celebrations, make sure to arrange a safe ride home. Never drive or get into a vehicle where the driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

As for marijuana, Fraser Health is encouraging people to be aware of ways to reduce the risk of harm.

For example, choose lower THC products, understand how soon you will feel the effects, and know how the strength of cannabis can vary greatly depending on the method of use and the strain.