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Resident questions flag flying on City of Powell River buildings

Correspondence suggests banner be flown throughout city
NO POLICY: The flying of City of Powell River’s flag was raised in correspondence from resident Ted Vizzutti, who suggested to city councillors that it should be flown throughout the city.

City of Powell River Councillors have been urged to fly the city flag with honour and pride.

At a committee of the whole meeting, councillors reviewed correspondence from Ted Vizzutti, which stated that since Powell River’s incorporation, there has been a city flag and that flag has been flying at all city areas, such as city hall, fire halls, Powell River Recreation Complex, harbours, Powell River Airport and schools.

“What has happened to our flag? asked Vizzutti. “Where has it gone? Why are you not making sure that our flag is flying throughout the city?”

Councillor and committee chair Earl Almeida said after receiving Vizzutti’s correspondence, he took some time to do some research. Almeida said thankfully, around the community, Google has not had the chance to visit in 15 years and so there is a time lapse on the internet.

“I took a moment to go through Google Maps and looked at the particular places in town, such as city hall, the recreation complex and the viewpoint on Marine Avenue,” said Almeida. “Going back to 2009 when those photos were taken, the flags that were flying are the exact same flags that are flying currently. They are the flags that are based on the information I have received from a previous corporate officer and from our parks and recreation coordinator, that are in whatever regulations for the city.

“In our 18 months that this council has been active, this is the only time that flags have been part of the conversation. Anything that has changed, flag-related, is not by this council and likely not by a previous council, and based on Google Maps, not anything in the last 15 years from what I’ve seen.”

Mayor Ron Woznow said he has spoken with chief administrative officer Lisa Bhopalsingh regarding a flag policy. He said unlike other communities, there is not a flag policy in place, so at a later date, he is going to suggest that council ask staff to put in place a flag policy so that everyone in the community can know what the policy is.

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