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Powell River activists show solidarity with anti-racism protectors in Portland

A group of local activists gathered at city hall on July 25 to show solidarity with the anti-racist protesters (protectors) in Portland, Oregon.
Powell River city hall
SOLIDARITY EVENT: Activists gathered at city hall in Powell River in support of the protesters in Portland, Oregon. Paul Galinski photo

A group of local activists gathered at city hall on July 25 to show solidarity with the anti-racist protesters (protectors) in Portland, Oregon. 

According to event organizer Malcolm Oliver, following the death of George Floyd in police hands on May 25, protectors in Portland have taken to the streets for 58 consecutive days.

“In protest of police brutality and institutional racism, the demonstrations have occurred largely under the banner of Black Lives Matter,” said Oliver. “Despite continuing violence from local police, the protests have continued.

“Recently, the Trump administration deployed a variety of federal agencies including the Department of Homeland Security, border patrol and the national guard to protect federal buildings and monuments such as statues. In the last week the federal agents began patrolling the streets and using excessive force against protectors, provoking a significant increase in protest attendance.”

Recently, an estimated 3,000 people gathered in Portland, according to Oliver.

“Since this recent upswing in attendance, and despite the clear narrative of non-violent protest among the crowds, the feds have used many crowd control tactics such as pepper spray, pepper balls, flash bangs and teargas, often without warning or provocation,” said Oliver. “Many protectors worry that this new show of violence against peaceful demonstrators is a sign that fascism is on the rise in the US.

“President Trump is now threatening to deploy federal agents in other democratic led cities such as Chicago and Seattle, which have also continued to hold protests for Black Lives Matter.”

Oliver said the protectors in Portland are calling for worldwide solidarity actions starting on July 25.

“Within Powell River, this solidarity action can be an opportunity for us to openly oppose fascism in the US,” said Oliver, “as well as in Canada and our small town of Powell River.”