A recent false positive COVID-19 test at Henderson Elementary School resulted in two different extremes in the pandemic world.
First, when the initial announcement was made that a positive test had been identified, a level of concern was evident throughout the community regarding the possibility of a cluster or outbreak. A few days later, news that there was no exposure and that a lab error had raised the alarm was met with relief, but hopefully not complacency.
In many circumstances, whether it’s a workout routine, studying for an exam or following public health guidelines, complacency leads to regression.
We dodged a COVID-19 bullet for now. In this case, there was no bullet, but there are more out there in regions surrounding the Powell River area, and the number is growing at an alarming rate.
Good news replaced worrisome news at Henderson, and even better, School District 47 was expedient in getting the word out to parents, staff and the community, ensuring the best possible action was taken to prevent further cases.
Relatively speaking, we’ve done well in our small corner of the world, thanks to transparency from Tla’amin Nation during its cluster of cases, and now the school district has followed that lead. It’s good to know leaders are willing to divulge information in a manner that is best for people who live here.
Many residents are wearing face coverings, even if they hide impressive Movember moustaches. Hopefully everyone is keeping those hands clean, too, and avoiding gatherings outside of their own home.
Stay the course. Complacency leads to regression.