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Kicking the Clutter: Three simple steps to achieving your desired life

Wow, we just started a new year and a new decade. Time sure flies by, especially when you get older. Find a quiet space in your home and reflect on the passing year, your success, challenges, and people who supported and believed in you.
Kicking the Clutter Powell River
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Wow, we just started a new year and a new decade. Time sure flies by, especially when you get older.

Find a quiet space in your home and reflect on the passing year, your success, challenges, and people who supported and believed in you. 

What decisions are you making to ensure this is the best start to a new decade you ever experienced? Did you start the new year with a clear plan to organize your home, office and life, setting yourself up for success and a better life in 2020?

Will you choose to commit to learning new things, delegating projects you are not skilled in and choosing people who will be supportive of your new journey in life? The choice is yours and so are the consequences of that choice.

Since I started my career as a professional organizer, I have chosen as my duty to provide information and shortcuts to achieve productivity over procrastination and clarity over chaos.

It’s a well-known fact that organized people are more confident, have rewarding careers and enjoy better relationships with their families.

What would it take for you to be totally prepared for the year ahead and become excited about your life? What is holding you back from having a better paying job, a healthy body, or a beautiful home?

From personal experience, I know that unresolved issues grow like weeds, making you feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

Is your home organized and functional? If not, why not? Do you feel embarrassed about the condition of your home, and avoid entertaining your family and friends? A negative feeling regarding your home and life will affect the quality of your life and the life of your family.

Whatever your situation is, you cannot change anything until you recognize the problem and define a solution. As you know, the ultimate solution will not come about by itself; you must outline the steps necessary to achieve your solution.

My ACT (assess, create, toss) formula is three powerful and simple steps to help you start organizing a project, find a better paying job and connect with people who are qualified to help you achieve the desired life.

1. Assess the contents and condition of your home

Walk through your home and write down everything that needs to be fixed, tossed, donated, returned, washed and mended. While you are at it, evaluate your health, finances and relationships with those who live under the same roof.

2. Create a simple plan

This plan will include the date and time to start organizing the selected space. Prepare the garbage and recycling bags, a couple of boxes, permanent markers and tape. Decide how much time you are willing to commit to this project and a deadline.

3.Toss the broken, unwanted and unused

Toss broken, soiled and rusty things in the garbage or recycle them. How many unfinished projects are hiding in your basement or garage? Are you sure you have the time and energy to finish them? Can you donate them to your favourite charity?

Ranka Burzan owns a professional organizing company based in Powell River and has written several books on reducing clutter and becoming more organized. For information, go to