The understanding of cutting services has always been a problem for City of Powell River and qathet Regional District [“City of Powell River department directors outline potential cuts,” November 6].
The cuts fall mainly upon the lower paid, part-time workers, which are the ones who desperately need their jobs. As a suggestion, why not consider a four-day work week for a good portion of the city management and staff, with a minor adjustment to their salary. Keep everyone working.
The city director of infrastructure wants to cut the Zunga Bus, one of the most important services to many individuals. Powell River Recreation Complex is the heartbeat of our community. Cutting all weekend hours as well as eight-hour weekdays is irresponsible as it will undoubtedly impair the health and well-being of many, specifically youth.
Young families and seniors who utilize the complex not only for their health and well-being, but it is also a healthy social gathering place.
Also, where is our mayor’s published comments on all of this? Our current elected mayor (one full year now) is the most invisible mayor this city has ever encountered. Hopefully he will decide to step up, or step out.
Mayor and council, stop depending on your staff to make these most important final decisions. You have been elected for a reason. Use your positions wisely and don’t just show up.
Glenn Holstine,
Michigan Avenue
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