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Letters: Nonsensical demand; equal representation

Nonsensical demand Excellent article [“Viewpoint: Leave doctors out of assisted death,” March 23], I couldn’t agree more. Most physicians choose their profession because they care for people and work to heal their patients wherever possible.

Nonsensical demand

Excellent article [“Viewpoint: Leave doctors out of assisted death,” March 23], I couldn’t agree more. Most physicians choose their profession because they care for people and work to heal their patients wherever possible. If this is not possible, then to make their lives as comfortable as possible.

Now it seems our lawmakers expect these same people to kill their patients. Perhaps there are those among us who wouldn’t have a problem killing someone, but I think most of us would.

It makes no sense to me for the state to demand that the person to whom I entrust my health care, my life, should in certain circumstances have to kill me.

I would not have any confidence in a doctor who could do that.

Kathy Kiernan
Highway 101


Equal representation

Nice to see an increased level of diversity in the Peak. I appreciate seeing articles on the front page [“Urban art sparks debate,” March 23] that normally would have been relegated to page 10 or not printed at all.

It is important for media to represent all segments of society equally. Not everyone is going to like or agree with all articles, and that’s okay, we don’t have to. However, with few exceptions (hate speech, for example), we should ensure all voices are heard rather than a select few.

If the Peak only printed articles everyone, or the majority, liked and agreed on, it would be a pretty boring, close-minded and oppressive newspaper.

Kaia Sherritt
Abbotsford Street