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Letter: Change is hard

In regard to a recent viewpoint about the Sino Bright land purchase, it was spot on [“ A true opportunity ,” March 13]. I wish to state that I am an 82-year-old coot who has lived in this area for 47 years.
Powell River Peak letter

In regard to a recent viewpoint about the Sino Bright land purchase, it was spot on [“A true opportunity,” March 13].

I wish to state that I am an 82-year-old coot who has lived in this area for 47 years. As much as Powell River mayor Dave Formosa tries, big business will not come here; not only because of logistics and operational costs but also because we have a class of people who think they own this town because they've been here for decades.

Change is hard but in order to survive we must open our minds and start using common sense and logic, otherwise we die. Opposition to the sewage treatment plant, the drug rehabilitation facility south of town and development of new living areas goes on, yet it took forever to take down the eyesore of the old arena as an example.

These same opponents are against a third crossing because they don't want this to be like Vancouver. That will never happen as we are too far away. Gibsons and Sechelt can have that. And we already have a serious drug problem if you haven't noticed.

When your taxes start going up because of infrastructure having to be repaired, take a look in the mirror as to why it's costing more to live here. Every time something is starting to be changed those of us who don't care for it oppose it. New people come to leave the rat race and want to contribute to make Powell River more profitable while maintaining it's small town feel, not destroy it.

There is a core group of people, however, who want none of it. If you want to be like this then go live in the United States and be a Trump supporter, because that's what exactly what you’re acting like.

Show yourself; only cowards hide behind a Facebook profile when making racists comments.

Bev Ling
Springbrook Road