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Let's Talk Trash: Don’t shoot the messenger

Let's Talk Trash: Don’t shoot the messenger

No one likes to be the bearer of bad tidings, but sometimes that goes with the job. This is true for many lines of work, and recycling depot operators are not immune.
Let's Talk Trash: No garbage in, no garbage out

Let's Talk Trash: No garbage in, no garbage out

Visiting an event after a huge festival can sometimes be a depressing sight. Dawn breaks over litter-strewn grass and garbage cans spill onto pavement. The party is definitely over and the musicians have gone home.
Let's Talk Trash: Baby steps to diaper alternatives

Let's Talk Trash: Baby steps to diaper alternatives

By the time we were three years old, most of us had gone through about 7,000 diaper changes. As we age, situations can arise that require coverage in our adult years.
Let's Talk Trash: Redefining waste as unused resources

Let's Talk Trash: Redefining waste as unused resources

What is waste, anyway? An outdated full spice jar we kick to the curb? The busted toaster we send “away?” The doll with the lazy eye we believe is not suited for the thrift store? It’s true we often seem to define waste as the things in our life we n
Let's Talk Trash: Dealing with pet and food waste

Let's Talk Trash: Dealing with pet and food waste

Even cute pets poop. The inglorious part of pet ownership involves managing our pet’s waste, and while many products on the market claim to help mitigate Fido’s environmental impact, there are still very few that go the distance.
Let's Talk Trash column header: The joy of minimalism

Let's Talk Trash column header: The joy of minimalism

It is almost sacrilege to bring up purging belongings at this time of the year, when so many of us are accumulating them. Almost. However, there appears to be a growing trend across the globe to embrace simplification.
Let's Talk Trash: School lunches that don’t eat the planet

Let's Talk Trash: School lunches that don’t eat the planet

The frenzy of back to school is upon us around Powell River, and quick lunches that don’t eat your wallet could be on your mind. It can be tempting to buy snack-sized portions of food and drinks to ease your transition back to the halls of academia.
Let's Talk Trash: Composting pilot project continues in Powell River

Let's Talk Trash: Composting pilot project continues in Powell River

By now, most of us know going green involves getting our kitchen scraps out of the landfill, but just how much of an impact does it have if we, say, focus on other ways to reduce our waste instead? It turns out that 40 per cent of our garbage is, in
Let's Talk Trash: Sharing is caring for the planet

Let's Talk Trash: Sharing is caring for the planet

These days, conversations about the planet's diminishing resources are commonplace.
Let’s Talk Trash: Inspiration and zero waste

Let’s Talk Trash: Inspiration and zero waste

To inspire literally means to breathe life into.