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Let's Talk Trash: Sharing is caring

Let's Talk Trash: Sharing is caring

It all started way back in preschool, or maybe even earlier if you have siblings. Learning to share is a lifelong discipline we practice every day.
Let's Talk Trash: Bashing trash helps beautify Powell River region

Let's Talk Trash: Bashing trash helps beautify Powell River region

Now that the grounds have thawed and the air is calling you to explore the outdoors, you are probably finding yourself on local beaches, trails and in the spectacular backcountry surrounding Powell River.
Let's Talk Trash: A time to reap

Let's Talk Trash: A time to reap

There is a time for all things to come to pass. Although the fall rains may bring some longing for the dog days of summer, they remind us that the seasons are shifting.
Let's Talk Trash: Fall projects await homeowners

Let's Talk Trash: Fall projects await homeowners

Has the damp fall weather motivated you to do some inside projects? Maybe a little home renovation or basement cleanup that has been at the bottom of your list all summer? If so, it can be tempting to take a trip to the “dump” (technically a transfer
Let's Talk Trash: Create memories, not garbage

Let's Talk Trash: Create memories, not garbage

Tis the season of gifting, and if you're like most people, wrapping gifts can often be an expensive, sometimes stressful and wasteful afterthought.
Let's Talk Trash: Buy less, smile more

Let's Talk Trash: Buy less, smile more

Our consumptive habits have ventured underground. Gone are the days when we either made or knew the maker of all the items in our home. Life in the village was more quaint, slower, and much more in harmony with the natural cycle of the planet.
Let's Talk Trash: Options for ‘retiring’ tires

Let's Talk Trash: Options for ‘retiring’ tires

How many tires do we go through in a lifetime? Avoiding potholes and screeching your tires will get you about 40,000 to 80,000 kilometres, which translates to a tire change every two to four years. Our tire “carma” can really add up.
Let's Talk Trash: The not 'OK' cup

Let's Talk Trash: The not 'OK' cup

Just when we could barely stand the thought of preparing the coffee machine for tomorrow morning’s java, the single-serve coffee pod arrived on scene to save the day.
Let's Talk Trash: Compostable plastic confusion

Let's Talk Trash: Compostable plastic confusion

When it comes to compostable plastic, do not believe the hype. If it were as miraculous as it sounded, it would indeed be worth a serious plastic-free party in the streets.
Let's Talk Trash: Kids and food waste

Let's Talk Trash: Kids and food waste

Wasted food costs the average Canadian household $1,100 per year. While adults are certainly guilty of neglecting leftovers until they grow a mouldy beard, kids are also culprits when it comes to good food going to waste.