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Lift shines light on impacts of homelessness in qathet region

Community services organization invites community to learn more

As demand for local housing supports surge, Lift Community Services is raising awareness about homelessness and its impacts in the qathet community with several events this fall.

The 2023 Point in Time Homeless Count, the first conducted in the qa­thet region, revealed 126 individuals experiencing homelessness. Kim Markel, executive director for Lift Community Services, says this fig­ure likely underestimates the true scale of the problem.

“We know the actual number is much higher,” she adds. “Last year, 121 unique individuals accessed our emergency shelter, and we’ve supported many more who are living in cars, recreational vehi­cles or couch-surfing out of necessity.”

She explains that homelessness in the region extends beyond those captured by the count.

“We’re hearing from more individu­als, young families and seniors who are at risk of homelessness. These people aren’t reflected in the data, but they’re very much a part of this crisis.

“We’re seeing people forced to choose between paying rent and buying food. This is especially true for young families and seniors.”

Lift remains a critical community safety net, of­fering emergency shelter, food and hygiene supplies. However, Markel ex­presses deep concern over the future of its emergency shelter, as the lease will not be renewed beyond March 2025.

“Without a new location, more people will be forced to sleep outside in the elements,” she adds. “We’re worried about the human suffering and community impact that will result.”

Similarly, as the “landlord of last resort,” Lift’s supportive housing program offers a critical lifeline to those facing housing instability. Many of the individuals in support­ive housing face significant personal challenges, explains Markel.

“Without us, they would have nowhere else to go. This is an area of community work that many other housing providers steer clear from, and we take pride in the work we do to keep people off the street, ensuring they have a roof over their head and warm meals.”

The need for additional supportive housing is urgent. Markel is hopeful that City of Powell River Council will approve a pro­posed development to create 39 more homes for the region’s most vulnerable.

Recognizing the importance of com­munity awareness, Lift has several upcoming educational opportunities. One is partnering with Cinema Politica qathet to screen the documentary Someone Lives Here on November 7 at the Patricia Theatre. The film chronicles a carpenter’s efforts to build small shel­ters for unhoused individuals during the pandemic in Toronto.

Lift is also launching a quarterly edu­cation series, beginning with a semi­nar on November 14 featuring Carolina Ibarra, CEO of Pacifica Housing. The seminar, titled Finding a Path Forward: BC’s Homelessness Crisis, will explore homelessness and the toxic drug sup­ply, offering insights into potential solutions.

“We want the community to under­stand the complexities of homelessness and how close many of us are to expe­riencing it ourselves,” explains Markel. “We’re also concerned about what will happen if we can’t secure a new site for our shelter, or if the proposed supportive housing doesn’t go through.”

Attending events, supporting the shel­ter and housing programs, and engaging with city council are all ways the commu­nity can make a difference, adds Markel.

“These are not just Lift issues; they are community issues that require the whole community to step up. My family has always valued looking after our most vulnerable neighbours, and I believe the health of a community is judged by how it cares for those most in need.

“Now more than ever, we need those who have been touched by homeless­ness or substance use to bring their voice to the conversation.”

For those looking to stay informed, Lift offers an email newsletter with updates on its programs and advocacy opportu­nities, which is available at liftcommu­