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Powell River Makerspace hosts technology night

New location serves as a community space for high-tech interests
Powell River Makerspace
Powell River Makerspace member Kieran Fogarty [left] and co-founder Thomas Gray will be in attendance for a TechNite at the space’s Marine Avenue location.

Organizers of a local TechNite hope the networking event brings those interested in technology together for potential collaborations.

Powell River Makerspace co-founder Thomas Gray says the evening meet and greet will highlight a tech scene in Powell River that is stronger than most may think.

“For a small town, it’s actually a lot like our music scene. There are a lot of people who are interested in it, and I’m pretty sure we’ll find more people who are hiding in Powell River,” says Gray. “I’ve already met data engineers, geneticists, programmers, computer animators, video-game industry veterans and 3D modellers, all kinds of people who are in Powell River, and this kind of meet-up is just a good chance to bring everyone together and start chatting.”

Last November, Gray and Makerspace co-founder Theo Rosenfeld moved their operation from a tiny spot behind Base Camp into a larger space on Marine Avenue below the bowling alley, allowing the duo to expand and be more inclusive.

“It’s definitely been more of a community space than what we had before,” he says. “We were too small and didn’t have enough room for people to come in and join us to do projects. This has allowed us to really expand and do some high-tech stuff.”

The space, which also runs tech classes, includes 3D printing and a virtual reality system that is still in the works.

Local entrepreneur Jim Barr, who runs Seekers Media, says he is excited about attending the TechNite meet and greet.

“We believe there are a bunch of people here in Powell River like us; digital nomads who can live anywhere simply requiring a good internet connection and a mobile phone,” says Barr. “There is also a whole creative class building things through the use of technology.”

The meet and greet runs 7-9 pm on Tuesday, February 7, and will include refreshments and snacks. For those unable to attend, Makerspace also hosts open houses every Wednesday evening from 7-9 pm and Friday afternoons from 1-5 pm.

When: 7-9 pm, Tuesday, February 7
Where: Powell River Makerspace (4482 Marine Avenue)
Price: Free
Info: [email protected],