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Kicking the Clutter: How to defeat procrastination

Ask yourself: What’s my purpose for being here? Your answer might give you the clarity you need.

Procrastination is a habit most of us have to deal with. It negatively affects millions of individuals, preventing them from achieving success in their homes, work or life.

Despite a high IQ, expensive education and the right connections, many people feel stuck, overwhelmed and unfulfilled.

Countless books were written on overcoming, conquering, beating or preventing this deceptive habit. As a former procrastinator, I know the feeling of frustration of being controlled by this insidious habit.

I tried many times to quit procrastination, yet failed miserably every time. Because I was lacking direction, it was easy for procrastination to step in and take over.

If you crashed a few times when trying to stop procrastinating, your failure was probably caused by one or more of the following:

Lack of commitment
You may have had thoughts about unhealthy habits, but hadn’t fully committed to the work you have to do. Perhaps you were coerced by others to change, but deep inside you didn’t care to make changes. Or maybe you did want to change but weren’t willing to make the sacrifices.

No instant gratification
Did you expect to see dramatic changes in your behaviour? You might have been disappointed when instant gratification didn’t show up. Old habits die hard. Be prepared to be patient.

Plunging instead of planning
When we get angry and disappointed with the life we live, many of us throw ourselves into chaos without thinking. We continue with the same mindset that got us in trouble.

This quote by Albert Einstein says it all: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Since procrastination is related to disorganization, it pays to have a plan of action. Plan your attack on procrastination by setting short-term goals. Get help from friends, family or professionals.

Being unaware of consequences
Procrastination is a vicious cycle. If you don’t do something today, you’ll be stuck tomorrow. This leads to more procrastination, resulting in frustration and overwhelm.

Procrastination can and will negatively affect every aspect of your life. If you feel stuck in the job, it could be the result of long-term procrastination. Lacking directions in life, and financial and health difficulties, are more likely caused by procrastination. Depression, lack of confidence and anxiety can be results of chronic procrastination.

What to do now?
Failure is not fatal. Remember this when you feel like giving up and hiding from the world: many successful people claim that their success is the result of many failures. They set goals for themselves, keeping in mind their purpose in life.

Ask yourself: What’s my purpose for being here? Your answer might give you the clarity you need.

Life coach Ranka Burzan owns a professional organizing company based in the qathet region and has written several books on reducing clutter and becoming more organized. For information, go to