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Let’s Talk Trash: Creating a better world

Create the world you want to inhabit. You may have a clear opinion of what a healthy, thriving planet could look like. If you’re a researcher, you can probably even site studies to back your ideas up.

Create the world you want to inhabit. You may have a clear opinion of what a healthy, thriving planet could look like. If you’re a researcher, you can probably even site studies to back your ideas up. If a visionary, you might have sketchbooks full of eco-designs.  So, why not get at it

It sounds so simple and in ways it truly can be. Sometimes, we just get lost in the early stage of putting flesh on inspiration. We get derailed researching and find ourselves bogged down in sobering statistics. We might even get up on a soap box to tell others about the corruption, greed, and ignorance fuelling the hungry ghost of a machine called ‘progress’. Without action, however, our words become white noise.

If we’re not at peace with the world as it is, it’s time to start doing something about it. Taking tangible steps towards any destination, however far on the horizon it may appear, is better than sitting staring out at it shaking our head.

When you dream about a future where humanity lives in right relationship with the planet, what does it look like?  Perhaps homes are built of local, natural materials and recycled wood. Front lawns might be filled with food forests or communally maintained veggie gardens.  Electric cars could be shared with others in a co-op. Single-use plastics may be a relic of the past. Entertainment might be more wholesome – time spent in nature or with friends around a fire.

Whatever your vision, what is the next right step to its becoming manifest? It might be something inglorious, like fixing your backyard compost bin; uncomfortable, like becoming vegan; vulnerable, like telling a partner you want to downsize your belongings; or costly like investing in a lower emissions vehicle. As with most things in life, doing what’s right, even if it’s hard, is worth it in the end.

Living out our principles is incredibly impactful. Those around us can’t help but notice. Soon enough, no megaphone will be needed because truth and positivity have a life of their own. We don’t need to sell what’s right, we only need to live it.

Spending time thinking and moving towards what it is we do want, funnels our energy into change-making. Progress, even if miniscule, accumulates into something substantial with persistence.

The world has enough arm-chair philosophers. While it’s vital to stay informed about the incredibly significant pressures humanity is placing on the wellness of the planet, action is absolutely necessary, too. Not just for our mental and emotional sanity, but also to do what only the unique being that you are could.

There is wisdom in discerning which changes have the most impact. When it comes to greenhouse gas emissions, considering how we heat our home, how often we drive and fly, how much meat and fish we eat, and how much new clothing we consume is worthwhile.

Once we’ve woken up to humanity’s harmful impact on our home, we cannot go back to sleep without being plagued by nightmares. May we stay awake and in action for positive change.

Let’s Talk Trash is qathet Regional District’s waste reduction education program. For more information, email [email protected].