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Spring Home and Garden: What to plant according to the moon?

Powell River Garden Club member complies lunar-based list

One member of the Powell River Garden Club suggested providing a list of what gardeners should do in the month of April.

Not being an authority on this, I have compiled a rough guide for what to plant according to the moon for April, based on suggestions in The Old Farmer’s 2023 Almanac, Canadian Edition for Area 2, and Llewellyn’s Witches’ Calendar 2021, Planting by the Moon.

These are guidelines only, sowing dates for seeds based on local area frost dates can be found in the Farmer’s Almanac link included below in resources.

Note about terminology: In the LLewellyn calendar, phases are called first, second, third, fourth quarters. This is what is used here.

In the Farmer’s Almanac, terminology is new moon, first quarter, full moon, third quarter. Of note, when planting during the waxing moon (increasing light), if you cannot sow seeds or plant in the preferred quarter, try the other quarter.

April 1 to 6:  Second quarter (increasing light)

· Plant annuals that produce their yield above ground, typically with seeds inside their fruit (peas)

· Plant Brussels, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, spinach, swiss chard

· Watermelon does well in first and second quarter

April 7 to 13: Third quarter (Full moon, decreasing light)

· Plant leeks, potatoes, radishes, other root crops such as carrots, turnips, parsnips

· Plant berries

· Plant biennial, perennials, root plants, bulbs

· Plant shrubs, trees

April 14 to 19: Fourth quarter, decreasing light)

· Do other chores such as pulling weeds, getting rid of pests, cultivating, digging out compost, organizing, pruning

April 21 to 26: First quarter (New moon, increasing light)

· Plant leafy annuals that produce their crop above ground with seeds outside their fruit: lettuce, parsley, endive

· Cucumbers are an exception as their seeds are inside the fruit but they do well planted now

· Plant grains and cereals

· Pumpkins, squash, watermelons

· Tomatoes (indoors), peppers (indoors)

April 28 to 30: Second quarter (increasing light)

· Same as for April 1 to 6

Susan Onlock is a Powell River Garden Club member. Gardening by phases of the moon part one and part two were published earlier this month. Contact the club at [email protected] to arrange a visit and have all questions answered, plus get some valuable advice on how to get started.