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Kicking the Clutter: How to overcome self-limiting beliefs

We all want to be successful in life, but there are times when we feel stuck and unmotivated

We all want to be successful in life, but there are times when we feel stuck and unmotivated.

We start to believe there is something wrong with us for not being able to succeed in life. Many of us gave up on writing our goals, believing we can’t achieve them.

“I don’t have time,” or “I’m too old,” and “I don’t have enough education,” are examples of self-limiting beliefs that keep us from achieving success in our lives. Limiting beliefs are filled with fears that contribute to our lack of confidence, therefore, it lessens our ability to live a prosperous life.

I love this quote by self-development author Wayne Dyer: “The only limits you have are the ones you believe.”

Undoubtedly, many self-limiting beliefs come straight from our childhood and are firmly ingrained in our brains. The good news is you can discard beliefs that don’t serve you anymore and replace them with new self-beliefs.

How I challenged my self-limiting beliefs
“My English is not good enough to write,” was my daily mantra. Also, I had a fear of failure and rejection. Then, 20 years ago, I published my first article. That day my life changed forever.

If you have beliefs that are holding you back, now is the time to address them head-on. Stop them from keeping you awake at night and preventing you from achieving your goals.

Recognize self-limiting beliefs
The first part of overcoming self-limiting beliefs is identifying them, realizing their impact, pinpointing their source and appraising their accuracy.

Many of us have beliefs that are so deeply rooted in our brains we don’t even know they exist. To help reveal them, start to listen to the negative thoughts that pop up as you consider a change in your life.

What negative thoughts pop in your head, even for a split second? Those self-limiting beliefs are getting in your way and need to be crushed.

Remove self-limiting beliefs
Here are a few methods on how to do it. To start with, develop a different belief.

One way to start believing in yourself is to do things out of your comfort zone. Take the first step to help others to achieve success while building your self-worth. Being able to take the responsibility for your own life is a sure recipe for success.

Replacing negative thoughts is a key to overcoming self-limiting beliefs.

My daily mantra: “I am ready and I can do this.”

Becoming your own cheerleader can give you the needed lift to continue.

Keep self-limiting beliefs quiet
It takes purposeful planning to overcome self-limiting beliefs. Be sure to spend time identifying and reinforcing new beliefs that will support your new life.

For most of us, we are the greatest and only obstacle to our success. Letting go of self-limiting beliefs is one important step to getting the life you desire and deserve.

Do you know what’s holding you back? Finding out the reason or reasons is the first step. Having a plan and a simple solution is the next one. Let’s do it.

Check out my website (see below) for books, coaching programs and published articles to help you achieve the success you desire.

If you have a challenge moving forward, I suggest Chris Walford Counselling: [email protected].

Life coach Ranka Burzan owns a professional organizing company based in the qathet region and has written several books on reducing clutter and becoming more organized. For information, go to