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Province declares public health emergency; bars and clubs ordered to close

Province declares public health emergency; bars and clubs ordered to close

• Emergency order allows for faster actions • More cases confirmed as more test results come back • Reminder that people coming to Canada must self-isolate for 14 days • Elderly people encouraged to say home, away from others • Social distancing is k
BC Ministry of Health launches free online COVID-19 assessment tool

BC Ministry of Health launches free online COVID-19 assessment tool

Anyone who has symptoms - including a fever, cough, sneezing, sore throat, or difficulty breathing - is urged to self-isolate for 14 days.
BC Ferries passengers can remain on enclosed car deck

BC Ferries passengers can remain on enclosed car deck

Corporation introduces temporary measure for COVID-19 situation
COVID-19: School suspended in Powell River

COVID-19: School suspended in Powell River

Business as usual for daycare providers until further notice
Lessons learned: What the H1N1 outbreak taught B.C. about a pandemic

Lessons learned: What the H1N1 outbreak taught B.C. about a pandemic

B.C.’s response to COVID-19 based on 2005 playbook
Prime Minister urges Canadians to stay home to stop spread of COVID-19

Prime Minister urges Canadians to stay home to stop spread of COVID-19

Federal Government to make another 'major announcement' tomorrow regarding financial supports
Powell River Recreation Complex and public library are closed

Powell River Recreation Complex and public library are closed

City council is closely monitoring the situation, according to mayor
Powell River physicians’ steering committee monitoring COVID-19

Powell River physicians’ steering committee monitoring COVID-19

Doctors say that as a matter of course there are going to be cases
Coronavirus: How COVID-19 spreads, how to avoid it

Coronavirus: How COVID-19 spreads, how to avoid it

How is the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, spread? • Droplets spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes. • Close personal contact such as touching or shaking hands.
City of Powell River cancelling events of more than 250 people

City of Powell River cancelling events of more than 250 people

Recreation complex remains open