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Local News

Transportation issues under discussion

BC Transit looking into improvements

Recreation commission proposal needs public acceptance

Public information essential to dissect service review

Director requests allowance on headstones

Committee reviews regional cemeteries bylaw
Liberals choose federal candidate

Liberals choose federal candidate

Peter Schwarzhoff’s name will be on the ballot for the next federal election as the Liberal candidate for North Island-Powell River. He was selected by Liberal Party of Canada riding members on Thursday, July 24 to lead them in the 2015 campaign.
Transportation minister hears concerns

Transportation minister hears concerns

Formosa brings regional issues to attention of politicians

Command of 19 Wing Comox change

Command of 19 Wing Comox, one of the busiest wings in the Royal Canadian Air Force, changed hands Wednesday, August 6. To celebrate, the Canadian Armed Forces held a parade.

Pedal power needs aid

City of Powell River councilors were requested to maintain bike lane funds for their intended use rather than allocating them to underwrite more library location studies.
Healthy start for recreation director

Healthy start for recreation director

Community provides excellent potential for programming

Texada Island road expansion draws opposition

Three residents express concerns to regional board

Expanding function finds favour

Informal meeting outlines merits of changing recreation service model