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Fun run supports food bank

Brooks students raise close to 9000
Chris Bolster

Fuzzy Santa hats with accompanying red and white suits are two articles of clothing not normally associated with a sport laser-focused on sweat-wicking, high-tech fabrics, but organizers of this year’s jingle jog say this event is all about holiday fun.

Both of Brooks Secondary School’s Fitness 11/12 classes are hosting the run this year. Organizers from the classes have created an event page on Facebook to spread news of the five-kilometre fun run and have also have put posters around town.

Over the past four years, Brooks students have raised almost $9,000 for Powell River Action Centre Food Bank with the event. Event spokesperson Donalie Shaffer said people should feel free to make a donation for the run even if they are not planning on actually participating in the event.

“Usually we get a lot of participants—about 200 last year,” said Donalie. “And we’re hoping everyone comes out wearing their holiday gear.”

Keegan Gowans, another spokesperson for the event, said they always aim at growing the number of participants who come out. “You dress up, run at your own pace and just have some fun with it,” said Keegan.

The fifth annual Jingle Jog takes place on Sunday, December 14, at Willingdon Beach. It is a family-friendly event for people of various fitness levels. Participants are encouraged to walk or run the route which will take them along Willingdon Beach Trail, the North Beach Trail loop and a few blocks of Laburnum Avenue after the mid-point before heading back toward the beach.

Those walking will start at 9:30 am while runners will start at 10 am.

Registration costs $10 per person or $20 per family. Those interested in pre-registering for the event can do so at Brooks’ main office, Avid Fitness Center, River City Coffee or online. Organizers will also accept registrations on the morning of the run at 9 am.