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Pitchers dust off horseshoes

Powell River Horseshoe Pitching Club kicks off season with open house
RINGER READY: Powell River Horseshoe Pitching Club members return to the courts at Powell River Recreation Complex on Sunday, April 14, for an open house prior to a new season of drop-in sessions and league play.

As weather improves and days become longer, outdoor groups are preparing for a new season of activities, including Powell River Horseshoe Pitching Club, which is holding its annual open house on Sunday, April 15.

The event takes place from 9 am to noon on the courts at Powell River Recreation Complex. Current club members will be on hand to welcome new players interested in dropping in on Sundays or joining the league, which plays on Thursday evenings.

“It is surprising how many people I have talked to in the last month who didn't know we have a club here,” said club treasurer Lorraine Hubick. “They didn't even know there are courts down at the complex.”

All ages are welcome to participate, said Hubick, who has been playing horseshoes since joining the club in 2003. Children as young as six years old participate, as do adults up into their 90s, she added.

“All levels of abilities can participate for exercise and fun throughout the season, which runs from April until September and ends with an awards night,” said Hubick. “Anyone can come for an introduction to what pitching shoes can do, meet new friends and connect to members who can give them expertise and help.”

Drop-ins take place from 9 am to noon every Sunday, while league sessions run from 6:30 to approximately 9 pm on Thursday evenings, weather permitting.

“We quite often even pitch in the rain,” said Hubick. “The laughter is endless and no experience is needed.”

Refreshments will be available at the open house and the session is free for everyone who attends.

“There is always someone around to guide new players and explain what horseshoes is all about,” says Hubick. “Someone always has an extra pair of shoes, too.”

The club will also host out-of-town pitchers for two competitions during the season.

For more information about the club or joining the league, call Hubick at 604.485.5589, or club president Bruce Trotter at 604.223.1870.