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Kicking the Clutter: Work attributes you should embrace

Here are some positive character traits employers are looking for

Your traits stand for your personality, beliefs and values. Knowing your best character traits can help you develop them and use them to benefit your career and life.

These are some of the positive character traits employers are looking for:

Flexible individuals can quickly adapt to changes in plans to accommodate the company they work for. People with this trait are highly respected and considered the backbone of any business. The ability to adapt your behaviour in any life situation can help you succeed in business or life.

A loyal employee is supportive of an organization and its mission. Someone loyal can be trusted with sensitive information and may stay at a company long-term. Organizations often value loyalty, as it saves them money and reduces time and resources necessary for employee turnover processes.

Patient people can tolerate setbacks, delays or unexpected challenges without becoming anxious or angry. Patience is essential for jobs where it can take a long time to see the results of your efforts.

Employees who have persistence work in relentless pursuit of goals. They continue along their path despite any obstacles or difficulties they face along the way. Persistence is an excellent trait for someone in a role requiring frequent requests and rejections, such as sales, journalism, public service or law.

A resilient person is someone who can quickly recover from setbacks, stress, adverse situations or unexpected changes. For example, you may practice resilience as an employee when you cannot meet a goal, but you quickly put together a plan to exceed your next objective. Having this trait means you can work with increased efficiency and maintain a positive and productive attitude.

Someone with self-discipline can overcome temptations to stray from the path to success, such as procrastination and self-doubt. Self-disciplined employees work hard and often need little to no supervision. Many leadership positions or roles with a high level of independence require candidates to have advanced discipline.

If you’re creative and have unlimited ideas and imagination, you can improve your life and the life of others. Throughout the history of mankind, creative people changed the way we live today. Your creativity skills will be an asset to your career, solving a difficult problem, presenting information clearly or finding better ways to complete tasks.

Someone with conscientious traits acts carefully and takes purposeful action. They intend to do what's right and fulfill their responsibility. Conscientious people also have a higher level of self-discipline and strive to complete every task to the best of their ability.

A confident person doesn't feel discouraged by challenges and difficulties. They take on tasks others fear may be too hard or require too much work. They may also take more defined risks in the business, which can lead to profits. Also, they have a high level of confidence in themselves.

Don’t waste your time thinking about your life. Standing up and showing up is the only way.

Ranka Burzan offers in-person life coaching via Zoom, owns a professional organizing company based in the qathet region and has written several books on reducing clutter and becoming more organized. For information, go to