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Les Leyne: First Nations pipeline play conflicts NDP

Les Leyne: First Nations pipeline play conflicts NDP

It fell to Environment Minister George Heyman to comment Wednesday on a new initiative by Indigenous leaders to buy the Trans Mountain pipeline from the federal government.
Live Well: A new era in occupational health and safety

Live Well: A new era in occupational health and safety

Generally when people think about workplace safety they think about the physical safety of workers.
Live Well: Before you pull out those weeds…

Live Well: Before you pull out those weeds…

Consider this. Many of those common annoying, ever-present “weeds” that we regularly pull from our gardens or pluck from our lawns (or “gasp” apply weed-killer to) are highly beneficial. And in a multitude of ways.
Threat of strike looms as B.C. teachers and province appear far apart on big issues

Threat of strike looms as B.C. teachers and province appear far apart on big issues

Class size and composition remain stumbling blocks as sides try to hammer out a deal
Horgan knows he can't win Trans Mountain court battle, but is still doing it

Horgan knows he can't win Trans Mountain court battle, but is still doing it

Nobody should be surprised that Attorney-General David Eby was quick to declare the B.C. government will appeal the decisive court ruling on who controls the flow of oil between provinces.
Off the Post: Living legend

Off the Post: Living legend

Royalty is coming to Powell River.
Live Well: Many ‘normal’ foods are highly dangerous

Live Well: Many ‘normal’ foods are highly dangerous

Lectin is a natural food component that is linked to inflammation and weight gain. Lectins are proteins produced by plants. In his book, The Plant Paradox , Dr.
Friday Flex: Our bodies were designed to move

Friday Flex: Our bodies were designed to move

You’re probably doing physical activity every day, without thinking about it. Every time you climb a set of stairs, mow the lawn, or vacuum the house you’re exercising.
Comment: Labour code amendments — another shameless partisan payoff

Comment: Labour code amendments — another shameless partisan payoff

It always sounds so lovely: all Labour Minister Harry Bains and his NDP caucus want to do with the B.C. Labour Code is “promote more stable and harmonious labour relations for employers and unions.
Cartoon: Bears can't read

Cartoon: Bears can't read

What do you think about this week's editorial cartoon? Have you read the story on electric fencing yet?