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Letter: Selfless act slows fire north of Powell River

Letter: Selfless act slows fire north of Powell River

Vigilant and selfless locals who recently went into action to help deal with a serious and potentially dangerous wildfire situation at Okeover Inlet deserve recognition and commendation, as do the professionals and volunteers who later took charge of
Health: Be your own best friend

Health: Be your own best friend

When feelings of self-doubt creep in ask yourself, ‘What would my best friend say?’
Lawrie McFarlane: Tweeting minister needs to remember her job

Lawrie McFarlane: Tweeting minister needs to remember her job

The decision by Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland to criticize Saudi Arabia has turned into one of the worst diplomatic gaffes in recent times.
Editorial: Put more patients on doctors’ board

Editorial: Put more patients on doctors’ board

The B.C. College of Physicians and Surgeons is the disciplinary body for doctors in our province. Its principal duty is to protect patient safety by monitoring the performance of physicians.
Editorial: Tariffs drive up costs

Editorial: Tariffs drive up costs

United States president Donald Trump has another two years and five months in his term.
Les Leyne: New and risky drivers to see ICBC rates jump

Les Leyne: New and risky drivers to see ICBC rates jump

The B.C. government is portraying the impact of changes to ICBC’s premiums as positive to two-thirds of B.C. drivers. But it used a contrived model based only on the first year.
Cartoon: Weather extremes

Cartoon: Weather extremes

What do you think of this week's cartoon?
Are shellfish vigilantes next?

Are shellfish vigilantes next?

NDP pays its union dues

NDP pays its union dues

Editorial: Too many seniors going to hospital

Editorial: Too many seniors going to hospital

A chilling study about the deaths of seniors who are living in care homes deserves careful study. If its numbers are correct, health authorities have to find the cause. B.C.