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Letter: Fake or not?

Letter: Fake or not?

The municipal election approaches and Mayor Dave Formosa has announced development of an aviation centre at the airport…again [“Development deal targets airport,” August 24]. Backed by his supporters, Formosa assures us that "it’s not fake.
Letter: Board up the town?

Letter: Board up the town?

After reading Murray Dobbin’s last offering [“Counterpoint: Flight of Fancy”, August 24] I had the feeling that he is telling us to just “board up the town” and “turn out the lights” and keep a cold bucket of water handy to instantly throw over anyon
Editorial: Bring in the new

Editorial: Bring in the new

A new year is about to start. Yes, the last days of December are traditionally the time to take stock of the year that has passed. During those dark, cold days, we set new goals and resolutions and may even manage to make good on them for a while.
Cartoon: Smoke show

Cartoon: Smoke show

What do you think of this week's cartoon? How did you fair in all the smoke?
Counterpoint: Flight of fancy?

Counterpoint: Flight of fancy?

Reading the article “ City accepts offer to develop aviation industry ” in last week’s Peak it was hard to know whether to laugh or cry.
Letter: What if it happens here?

Letter: What if it happens here?

In a recent issue of the Peak [“Three small wildfires highlight risk factors surrounding community,” August 10], Powell River Fire Rescue deputy fire chief Rocky Swanson was quoted as saying, “...
Viewpoint: Open mind on opportunity

Viewpoint: Open mind on opportunity

There has been some push back lately on social media and in the community regarding the 99-year lease that the City of Powell River has entered into with Gaoshi Holdings (Canada).
Editorial: Economic optimism

Editorial: Economic optimism

Powell River’s economy is diversifying. Millions of dollars in real estate development, industry and business investment are changing the city. And, dare we say, giving us confidence, even optimism about the future.
Letter: Bus riding, a pleasure

Letter: Bus riding, a pleasure

I wish to express my gratitude to the bus drivers of Powell River for their excellent professionalism as well as their attitudes of kindness and helpfulness [“Regional district requests bus passes,” May 8].
Seventeen days of mourning. And coverage.

Seventeen days of mourning. And coverage.

One news outlet called it a “Marathon of Mourning”. For 17 days we watched gut-wrenching footage of a Killer Whale known as J-35 pushing her dead newborn calf through the waters around Vancouver Island.