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Editorial: Good work!

Editorial: Good work!

Upon reading the City of Powell River council report card this issue, some may wonder how the letter grades were determined.
Viewpoint: Not our president

Viewpoint: Not our president

During the final days of the American presidential campaign, one of Donald Trump’s recurrent messages was “we’re going to drain the swamp.” It was red meat to his supporters, who think Trump can fix Washington as the consummate outsider. He can’t.
Editorial cartoon: Library conspiracy

Editorial cartoon: Library conspiracy

What do you think of this week's editorial cartoon?
Letters: Bags packed

Letters: Bags packed

According to comments in last week’s article on retirement community suitability [“Seniors face challenges,” November 9], Powell River is not intended for senior citizens.
Editorial cartoon: Lest we forget

Editorial cartoon: Lest we forget

What did you think of this week's editorial cartoon?
Letters: Theatrical exercise

Letters: Theatrical exercise

Let’s not kid ourselves folks, the recent fixed link open house [“Government looks for fixed link feedback,” November 2] presented by our current provincial government was pure theatrics.
Viewpoint: Derelict democracy

Viewpoint: Derelict democracy

What do you get when 338 people from five different political parties sit around a table to deal with a concrete problem, such as abandoned and derelict vessels, hundreds of which litter Canada’s shores? You get some progress, incomplete solutions an
Editorial: Respect elders

Editorial: Respect elders

With nearly 30 per cent of Powell River’s population being seniors, it is undoubtably a retirement community. According to last year’s Vital Signs report, our area has the ninth largest percentage of seniors in Canada.
Letters: Building bridges

Letters: Building bridges

Building bridges I believe the use of Nelson and Anvil islands for fixed links across Jervis Inlet [“Quick Peak: Fixed link input sought,” October 19] and Howe Sound provide the best solution to our poor transport services along the Upper and Lower S
Editorial cartoon: Flavour boost

Editorial cartoon: Flavour boost

What did you think of this week's editorial cartoon?