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Editorial Cartoon: February 22, 2012

Editorial Cartoon: February 22, 2012

What are your thoughts on this week's cartoon? Click here to view the full-size version.
Letters to the Editor: February 22, 2012

Letters to the Editor: February 22, 2012

Community deserves better Well, Powell River, it is really sad to see BC Ferries at a stalemate in your city [“Mechanical problem docks ferry,” February 8]. I remember when the department of highways’ Comox Queen was on the run.
Viewpoint: A look back on the way out

Viewpoint: A look back on the way out

by Kyle Wells After just under two years as a reporter with Powell River Peak I am moving to the greater Victoria area to take a job with another community newspaper. The decision is part professional, part personal.
Editorial Cartoon: February 15, 2012

Editorial Cartoon: February 15, 2012

What are your thoughts on this week's cartoon? Click here to view the full-size version.
Editorial: Choices matter

Editorial: Choices matter

Most young people believe they will never die. That belief often leads to risky behaviour, because youth believe the worst will never happen to them.
Viewpoint: An eye on the Patricia

Viewpoint: An eye on the Patricia

by Sharlene Reid As I drove home today from work, taking the long way, I paused as I approached Ash and Marine avenues. I parked my car and looked across the street at the historic Patricia Theatre.
Letters to the Editor: February 15, 2012

Letters to the Editor: February 15, 2012

Lack of awareness After reading your Speak to the Peak January 18 [“What’s your opinion on the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline project?”], I was surprised and disappointed with the lack of information that some of the responders displayed.
Editorial Cartoon: February 8, 2012

Editorial Cartoon: February 8, 2012

What are your thoughts on this week's cartoon? Click here to view the fullsize version.
Editorial: Perfect storm

Editorial: Perfect storm

Just when Powell River residents thought ferry service couldn’t be worse, the worst happened. The Queen of Burnaby , the regular vessel on the Powell River-Comox route just back from a $12-million refit, broke down.
Letters to the Editor: February 8, 2012

Letters to the Editor: February 8, 2012

Succession plan required After following all the news stories on Catalyst Paper Corporation, one has to wonder what is the future of the town [“Tax war,” January 25].