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Editorial: Weekend warriors

Editorial: Weekend warriors

Well here it is, the biggest camping weekend of the year. Time to get out the tents, mosquito repellent and the hot dog skewers. And yes, for many of us, this weekend may also involve one or two adult sodas, or wobbly pops, if you will.
Editorial: More to do

Editorial: More to do

This week’s cover story is a reminder both of the generosity and spirit of compassion in this community and also of the work left to do in terms of increasing accessibility in the city for those with mobility issues.
Letters to the Editor: July 27, 2011

Letters to the Editor: July 27, 2011

Inaccessible ferries When I spoke with my good friend she told me a story that just made my blood boil. Recently she had to take her elderly Mom over to Vancouver Island to see the doctor.
Viewpoint: Facts show NDP fighting to lose

Viewpoint: Facts show NDP fighting to lose

by Jim Sawchuk Maybe Nicholas Simons, MLA for Powell River-Sunshine Coast, should start earning his money. First, he states that the BC Liberal Party misled BC taxpayers in the last provincial election over the HST.
Editorial Cartoon: July 20, 2011

Editorial Cartoon: July 20, 2011

What are your thoughts about this week's cartoon? Ciick here to view the full-size version.
Editorial: Help please

Editorial: Help please

Sea Fair is just two years away from celebrating 50 years in the community.
Editorial: Growing pains

Editorial: Growing pains

It’s sometimes hard to believe that with all we hear about locally-sourced food, going green and food security, the grassroots projects to support those notions are still the Davids versus the Goliath of the commercial agricultural system.
Letters to the Editor: July 20, 2011

Letters to the Editor: July 20, 2011

HST mathematics I find both the ads about the HST vote and the referendum question quite confusing [“Agency extends deadline,” July 6]. I also find them short on simple math. I understand simple math.
Viewpoint: Along the trails

Viewpoint: Along the trails

by Morris Moser What a load of pompous, self-righteous, holier than thou, pontificating bull written by Helmut Godau in his letter to the editor Along the Trails, June 29.
Editorial Cartoon: July 13, 2011

Editorial Cartoon: July 13, 2011

What are your thoughts on this week's cartoon? Click here to view the full-size version.