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Viewpoint: Room for herons and bikes

Viewpoint: Room for herons and bikes

by Betty Zaikow With logging in Powell River Recreation Complex park area last summer, residents of Powell River lost a beautiful tract of rainforest right here in the city.
Editorial: Literacy matters

Editorial: Literacy matters

Family Literacy Day is an annual initiative that takes place on January 27 to encourage families to learn together all year round. The theme this year is Play for Literacy.
Letters to the Editor: January 26, 2011

Letters to the Editor: January 26, 2011

Close call On January 17, my granddaughter had a very close call [“Time to slow down,” September 8, 2010]. She takes the bus from Grief Point Elementary School and gets off beside the Airport Market.
Editorial: Second chance

Editorial: Second chance

After sitting on the issue for more than half a year, City of Powell River council is poised to consider once again bylaw changes to the waterfront lot known as the old arena site.
Editorial Cartoon: January 26, 2011

Editorial Cartoon: January 26, 2011

What are your thoughts on this week's cartoon? Click here to view the full-size version.
Viewpoint: Smaller communities provide help

Viewpoint: Smaller communities provide help

by CC Duncan As a behaviour management consultant I appreciated the Peak running the story “Incident sparks call for awareness” on December 29, 2010. When I first moved to Powell River in 2007 I thought “what an incredible place to raise a family.
Letters to the Editor: January 19, 2011

Letters to the Editor: January 19, 2011

Community spirit I would like to extend my gratitude to BC Ferries, Tim Horton’s and Quality Foods. At 5 am on December 24 I arrived at Westview terminal to line up for the next ferry to Vancouver Island [“Holiday holdups,” December 29, 2010].
Editorial: Be ready

Editorial: Be ready

Being prepared in the event of a large earthquake could mean the difference between living and dying. We all should be aware of what to do if a megathrust earthquake hits.
Editorial: Civic participation

Editorial: Civic participation

Powell River is often touted as a community that pays particular attention to accessibility. Powell River can be proud of its record on including people with disabilities into its social and business fabric.
Editorial Cartoon: January 19, 2011

Editorial Cartoon: January 19, 2011

What are your thoughts on this week's cartoon? Click here to view the full-size.