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Let's Talk Trash: Trash or treasure?

Let's Talk Trash: Trash or treasure?

If you sneak a peak inside a neighbourhood trash can, you can find all manner of things.
Let's Talk Trash: Trash diversion apps

Let's Talk Trash: Trash diversion apps

In an era when all things waste-related are becoming more complex, it is only fair that some apps are available to help us navigate and cope.
Let's Talk Trash: Green burial

Let's Talk Trash: Green burial

As the population on Earth grows, so does the one right below its surface; 60 million of us are shuffling off this mortal coil every year.
Let's Talk Trash: Oceanfront cleanups

Let's Talk Trash: Oceanfront cleanups

By 2050, plastic could outweigh fish if we do not curb our consumption. This staggering fact, along with photos we have all seen of plastic-choked beachfronts, can be overwhelming to think about, let alone change.
Let's Talk Trash: Invasive weeds

Let's Talk Trash: Invasive weeds

Spring has announced itself in the songs of birds and thriving patches of kale in gardens.
Let's Talk Trash: What’s in your trash?

Let's Talk Trash: What’s in your trash?

We have all done it, either secretly, or in full light of day: tossed something in the trash we knew should have gone somewhere better.
Let's Talk Trash: Upcycled fashion

Let's Talk Trash: Upcycled fashion

Do you have rips in your jeans, stains on your favourite t-shirt or more dated neckties than you know what to do with? Some would see this as an appropriate time to donate these items to a local thrift store, cut them up to reuse as rags, or even ret
Let's Talk Trash: Straws suck

Let's Talk Trash: Straws suck

What happens to a plastic drinking straw after its brief moment of glory? Every year, 175 billion straws litter the planet, which begs the question, do straws suck? The seemingly innocent straw is often among marine debris that washes up on coastline
Let's Talk Trash: Community composting

Let's Talk Trash: Community composting

How much of our community’s garbage can be turned into a nutrient-rich soil amendment? More than you might imagine. One local resident decided to find out.
Let's Talk Trash: Conscious clothing

Let's Talk Trash: Conscious clothing

When you dressed this morning, chances are you made sure your socks matched. You may not have thought about how the clothing industry is the second most damaging to the environment, next to oil and gas.