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Friday Flex: Fitness and yoga at home

This Friday Flex is a shout-out to everyone who is embracing the home workout and yoga lifestyle. I will be the first one to say it isn’t easy, and I am motivated and inspired by your examples.
Friday Flex Powell River
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This Friday Flex is a shout-out to everyone who is embracing the home workout and yoga lifestyle. I will be the first one to say it isn’t easy, and I am motivated and inspired by your examples.

Working out at home requires another level of discipline and time management because of all the distractions and comforts a home often offers. To increase your chances of successfully completing exercise or yoga at home, make sure to schedule it like you would if you were leaving home and going to a studio.

Set aside the time and a private space where you can get your sweat on without being interrupted. It also helps to be realistic about how much time you can carve off for yourself each day, while also managing your other responsibilities.

As the days get nicer, heading out into your yard is a great option as well. This is also a fabulous time to share with your family what it is you do when you exercise or do yoga. It’s a great opportunity to try covertly converting them into a gym rat or yogi.

Remember, having a workout buddy is one of the best ways to stay accountable. This is also a chance to share your passion for exercise with your children.

My studio, along with many others in the community, has made the switch to online training in an effort to connect with and support our residents. There’s a wealth of options out there for fitness and yoga at home. The best way to find the one that resonates with you is to try them all!

Here’s a quick 24-minute workout you can do at home. It is all bodyweight. The only thing you need is a timer.

Do each exercise for 40 seconds, followed by 20 seconds rest, and do three rounds total.

Push-up with a rotation to side plank alternating sides; Butterfly roll up; Speed skaters; V-ups; Commando snap jumps; Hollow scissors; Squat jumps; and Sit outs.

We are all in this together. Do what you can with what you have where you are, and always prioritize the positive.

Melissa Sloos is a certified group fitness instructor, spin instructor and co-owner at Coast Fitness in Powell River.