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Kicking the Clutter: Four strategies of a self-disciplined person

Even if you become an instant millionaire, you will need self-discipline to maintain it. ~ Ranka Burzan

Nothing can be achieved in life without self-discipline. Motivation is short-lived and it has to be boosted constantly.

“Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing,” is a great quote by author John C. Maxwell.

So, why is discipline different from any other field?

Self-discipline cannot be replaced by any other skill. Even if you become an instant millionaire, you will need self-discipline to maintain it.

What does it mean to be self-disciplined?

The word discipline could be misinterpreted as a punishment from a well-meaning parent. Children rely on their parents to learn about discipline. They might resist doing their homework or certain chores, but as we get older, most of us appreciate the self-discipline we learned as youngsters.

But as adults we have to count on ourselves to do the jobs we don’t like. So, why can’t we be more disciplined? It’s because of the excuses we have, blaming others for our lack of discipline or letting others do the jobs we should be doing.

It takes self-discipline to create the life you desire.

Strategy #1

Self-control is the ability to manage one’s life without being consumed with emotions and doubt. Once you become responsible for the life you created, you become a powerful performer, instead of being the observer of your life. You may not be able to control what goes on in the world but you can control how you react to it.

Strategy #2

Self-discipline is delayed gratification. We have to wait to be rewarded with food, clothes, money, or just to be able to relax. Our society is guided by social media platforms, where it is possible to achieve instant gratification without leaving your living room.

So many of us become impulsive, wanting wealth without work. Self-discipline requires delayed gratification, the ability to put off fulfillment in the short term to enjoy greater rewards in the long term.

Strategy #3

Self-discipline is a builder of your self-esteem. The more we become self-disciplined, the more we accomplish in life, and the higher our self-esteem becomes. This cycle is worth repeating.

Self-discipline is a habit, which means it can be learned. Make a deliberate decision to practice self-discipline daily and often until it becomes a habit you can be proud of.

As a human being, you will encounter things and people who will test your self-discipline. Be aware of people who might not see your worth; it’s up to you how you handle the situation.

Having self-control is having the self-respect to focus on your life and contribution to the world.

Strategy #4

Self-discipline is consistent work. Consistency means a repetition of positive behaviour toward people or things. Anything worth achieving will require consistent work and discipline.

When you are not consistent, you start to contradict yourself and people might be hesitant to trust you and your ability to do the work.

To develop a habit of self-discipline, you must first make a solid decision about how you will behave in the world. Stand by your values until the habit of self-discipline is firmly established.

Life coach Ranka Burzan owns a professional organizing company based in the qathet region and has written several books on reducing clutter and becoming more organized. For information, go to