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A first in first aid

A first in first aid

Organization marks a century in Powell River

CrimeStoppers: June 22, 2011

Week of June 14 to June 20, 2011 Total calls for service = 90 Impaired driving = 4 Assaults = 2 Break and enters = 1 Thefts = 8 Mischief = 3 1. June 16 4200 block Joyce Avenue Police received a report of a break and enter at a business.

Quick Peaks: June 22, 2011

Motor vehicle death A young man died as the result of a single-vehicle accident in Powell River on Saturday, June 18. Powell River RCMP received a call at about 6:30 am.
Feds table back-to-work law

Feds table back-to-work law

Canada Post and union continue talks

Directors expand Myrtle Pond service boundaries

Myrtle Creek Estates officially joins water system

School Board Briefs: June 22, 2011

Service recognition On behalf of the BC School Trustees Association, Jay Yule, superintendent of schools for School District 47, presented Powell River Board of Education trustees Mary James, Jeanette Scott and Debby Lewis with certificates honouring

Briefly: June 17, 2011

Canada Post lockout Mail delivery across the country has stopped after Canada Post locked out workers at midnight, Wednesday, June 15.

Budget reflects local priorities

Firefighter tax credit gas-tax guarantee show commitment to riding MP says

CrimeStoppers: June 15, 2011

Week of June 6 to 12, 2011 Total calls for service = 120 911 calls = 12 Thefts = 6 Break and enters = 1 Assaults = 6 Impaired driving = 5 1. June 7 6200 block Poplar Street Police received a complaint that a 5.

City selects agency to review service

Company examines organization from top to bottom